
Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Music and Food

They go together like Bud & Abbott. Like Thelma & Louise. Like Chocolate cake and milk. Like M&Ms and everything. Music is great. It is soothing. It is motivational. It shapes who we are. The next time you begin eating, which I assume is any minute from now, put on some music, close your eyes and explore your gastro senses. Find how your food tastes better. It would be easy to list my top 100 songs. Even my top 50. But, deciding on my top 5 was tough. Here are my choices. They are indeed dandies. Feel free to challenge me: 1. Stairway to Heaven - You think there is a better one? Really? Led Z was special 2. Piano Man - A close second. Go see Billy before you can't 3. Cats in the Cradle - Harry died so young at 39. But, he left us the most moving song ever written. I dare you to not get choked up 4. What a Wonderful World - Listen to Louie and get a smile and some chills 5. Imagine - John was the genius Beatle and this song proves it. I know I said top 5, but I have a worthy #6, Old 55 - The Eagles were brilliant. They had dozens of great ones and this was their best. Love all music. It will love you back and make you enjoy your food like never before. TEM 

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Update on Pizza in Greenville

Things are shaking out on the Greenville pizza scene. New players and old alike continue to vie for pizza dominance. Here's my newest best of list:

1. Sidewall - not my favorite atmosphere, but excellent sauce and crust. Good service

2. Titos - great atmosphere. Naples in Greenville. Good crust. Great toppings. Sauce just behind Sidewall. Great service (try Titos other Italian food like Eggplant Parmegian. Maybe the best in Greenville)

3. Frankies - recommend take out only. Atmosphere not so great. Pizza is very authentic NYC

4. Pizza City - definite take out only. Atmosphere not so good. Very close to Titos quality 

5. Tony's on Haywood rd - Good NYC pizza. Not #1 but a solid 5

6. Stone Ave Pizza - really nice atmosphere. Pizza is delicious. Good sauce

7. Grimaldis - easy to forget about. Nice place. Good pizza

8. Dallesandros - Great outside family area with band. Pizza good but not a top 5

9. Sciortinos - More of an Italian restaurant, but good pizza as well

10. Bocca - Probably the best Italian restaurant in Greenville, but still has a good pizza. Just #10. Most authentic atmosphere

Others that are noteworthy: Mellow Mushroom, Barleys, Aces in Greer, Acropolis on Pelham rd, Vics downtown, Brooklyn on East North, (and I'm told Anthony's in Simpsonville)

Not noteworthy: Any and all chains, any and all frozen. Avoid both


Tuesday, March 19, 2019

National Hamburger Day – May 28, 2019

The hamburger is a classic staple of western culture. Historically, it’s most likely that the first hamburger sandwich first appeared in the 19th or early 20th centuries, but there is much controversy over its origin. Over the years, the hamburger has risen as a culinary icon in America. Burger joints, takeaway food outlets and all-night-eateries serve them up in their millions – with cheese, salad, pickles, bacon and sauces. Why not celebrate National Hamburger Day by making hamburgers your own way on May 28th?

National Hamburger Day - Survey Results


National Hamburger Day Activities

  1. Create Your Own Hamburger

    Pick one of the many hamburger recipes online, go to your local deli or grocery store to buy the ingredients, and handle business. Most importantly, make that burger with love!
  2. Give the gift of Hamburger

    Yes, we said it. Give a hamburger to a loved-one, friend, or a complete stranger you pass on the street. There you go, making the world a better place, one burger at a time.
  3. Head over to your local In-n-Out or Equivalent Restaurant

    You’ll be amazed at the various locations you’ll find nearby. Walk-in and enjoy a finely crafted hamburger at your fingertips.

Why We Love National Hamburger Day

  1. Familiarity

    Sometimes, when we go out to eat, we don’t like want to be challenged. We crave the taste of the familiar and nothing's more familiar, at least to Americans, than the taste of a good ol’ hamburger.
  2. The Taste

    Looking to have your mind blown? The possibilities are endless as you create your own combination of meats, cheese, vegetables, seasonings and sauces and have your hamburger your own way. Yes please.

It’s a Great Meal on-the-go

  1. While some people love sitting down and taking their time to enjoy a great hoagie, some just simply have a fast-paced lifestyle. For those people always on the go, a hamburger is always a great idea.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Why can't we make trashcan turkey throughout the year?

What? You say, what is trashcan turkey? Are you not a legal American? Are you not aware it is one of our most cherished red, white and blue pastimes? Are you not aware it is the BEST way to make turkey? We'll, now you are. I make trashcan turkeys. I have made several in the past and plan to make many more in the future. I regret to say I only make them at Thanksgiving. That is a shame. Who doesn't love turkey. And who doesn't love juicy, smoky, flavorful turkey. And the fun. Putting a turkey in the oven is boring. Spending the day in your backyard huddled around a trashcan...what could be better? Pound a stake in the ground. Surround it with aluminum foil. Put the seasoned turkey on the stake (like beer can chicken). Surround the can with coals. Add more to the top. Light the coals. Two hours later carefully lift the trashcan. Like magic. You have the perfect turkey. The set up will take about an hour. Keeping the kids and dogs away from the fire and hot coals will be the entertainment. Grab a brewski and enjoy the day. And, do it more than once a year. (more why's...Why can't we enjoy egg nog and fruit cake any other time than Christmas? Why can't we eat delicious, dark chocolate with nuts and nougat pieces of candy out of a well organized box other than Valentine's Day? Why can't we eat hamburgers WITH potato salad AND cole slaw any other day other than July 4th? Why can't we have bowls of M & M's sitting around everywhere on days other than Easter and Christmas?  Why can't my wife make my favorite Eggplant Parmigiana any other day than my Birthday? Why? Why? Why?)