
Monday, December 31, 2018

It's Time for FREE!

The focus of my first blog of 2019 will be on FREE. I declare 2019 the year of FREE! It's time to tighten up. It's time for the wild ride of 2018 to end. It's time for frugal to begin. 

And why not? There is so much to do and see that doesn't cost much if anything. Keep your wallet safely tucked away and consider these great FREE things to do alone, with a friend or with the fam.

• Take a Hike - Nearby you have beautiful parks, lakes and trails ready for you to enjoy at no cost. FREE!

• Art Museum - Most are FREE and all are wonderful

• Library - One of the greatest FREE things we have at our disposal. Books, Magazines, Newspapers, CDs, DVDs, Computers, etc. All FREE. All the time

• The Radio - no fees, no cost. Unlimited formats. FREE information and entertainment 24/7

• Read - Learn, relax and enjoy. We all have dozens of books in the house yet to be read. And, the library has thousands for you at no cost

• Play Cards and Board Games - great family entertainment for hours and hours. Dust them off. Turn off the TV. Have fun with your family. It's FREEtime

• Visit and Talk - Turn off the outside noise like cell phones and TVs and enjoy a conversation with family and friends. Probably the best FREE there is

• Have BYOB parties - Have friends and family come over with a dish to share. Maybe a small cost, but not much. Way less than going out to dinner or going to a show or event

• Walk Downtown - Spend a half day. Spend a whole day. It's FREE. Fresh air. Entertaining sights. Exercise

• Attend a Farmers Market - FREE to attend. Just enjoy the experience. No need to buy anything. Samples galore

• Go to FREE Downtown concerts - Spring, Summer and Fall...they are a plenty

• Volunteer - No cost to you, but you get unlimited ROI for your time. Fulfilling. Enjoyable. Nothing better than a good deed

• Attempt a Jigsaw Puzzle - Again, dust one off out of your closet and test your skill and patience. Better yet, work on one with others, like family members

• Go for a Bike Ride - Put air in those flat tires and get out there for some fresh air and exercise. Riding a bike is FREE. Roads and paths are plentiful. Its a great thing to do alone for mind-clearing or with a friend. If you don't have a bike, borrow one

• Take a FREE On-Line course - There are many available. It's never too late to learn 

• Write letters - Yes, it will cost you paper, ink and a stamp, but that's it. This allows you to express yourself and communicate with family and friends in a "unique" way. Writing a letter lets out your creativity. You will feel good sending a letter. You will feel great receiving one back

• Go Fishing - Find a lake, river or stream, borrow a pole if you don't have one, dig up a worm or roll a dough ball and chill. Alone or with a pal. it's FREE therapy

• Clean up/Organize - No better satisfaction! 

• Teach Yourself Something - Learn to juggle, learn to change your car's oil, learn to knit, learn photography, learn to blog, learn yoga, learn to build a website, etc. Most, if not all, can be self taught using tools/items you already have

• Lastly... Plant a Garden - Yes, this is a food blog, so food must be a part of the 2019 Frugal plan. You will save a tremendous amount of money by planing a garden, planting some seeds and then tending the garden (another great FREE activity). Then, cook the food instead of going out and spending way too much in restaurants (eat-in or take-out)

There are many, many more ideas to add to this list, but this is a good start

We spend way too much money eating out and traveling and on technology and paying to go to shows and events. We have the ability to do so much for FREE. There is gold in our own backyard. Literally and figuratively. Stay home or nearby. Enjoy what your city and state has to offer. Visit family and friends. Spend less. Save more. Don't covet what you don't have. The grass is never greener. I recently wrote a song entitled "I Miss the Bliss." It speaks to the bliss we once had with a simpler life. Frugal is in. Make 2019 the best year ever by enjoying and appreciating what you have. TEM

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