
Monday, December 31, 2018

It's Time for FREE!

The focus of my first blog of 2019 will be on FREE. I declare 2019 the year of FREE! It's time to tighten up. It's time for the wild ride of 2018 to end. It's time for frugal to begin. 

And why not? There is so much to do and see that doesn't cost much if anything. Keep your wallet safely tucked away and consider these great FREE things to do alone, with a friend or with the fam.

• Take a Hike - Nearby you have beautiful parks, lakes and trails ready for you to enjoy at no cost. FREE!

• Art Museum - Most are FREE and all are wonderful

• Library - One of the greatest FREE things we have at our disposal. Books, Magazines, Newspapers, CDs, DVDs, Computers, etc. All FREE. All the time

• The Radio - no fees, no cost. Unlimited formats. FREE information and entertainment 24/7

• Read - Learn, relax and enjoy. We all have dozens of books in the house yet to be read. And, the library has thousands for you at no cost

• Play Cards and Board Games - great family entertainment for hours and hours. Dust them off. Turn off the TV. Have fun with your family. It's FREEtime

• Visit and Talk - Turn off the outside noise like cell phones and TVs and enjoy a conversation with family and friends. Probably the best FREE there is

• Have BYOB parties - Have friends and family come over with a dish to share. Maybe a small cost, but not much. Way less than going out to dinner or going to a show or event

• Walk Downtown - Spend a half day. Spend a whole day. It's FREE. Fresh air. Entertaining sights. Exercise

• Attend a Farmers Market - FREE to attend. Just enjoy the experience. No need to buy anything. Samples galore

• Go to FREE Downtown concerts - Spring, Summer and Fall...they are a plenty

• Volunteer - No cost to you, but you get unlimited ROI for your time. Fulfilling. Enjoyable. Nothing better than a good deed

• Attempt a Jigsaw Puzzle - Again, dust one off out of your closet and test your skill and patience. Better yet, work on one with others, like family members

• Go for a Bike Ride - Put air in those flat tires and get out there for some fresh air and exercise. Riding a bike is FREE. Roads and paths are plentiful. Its a great thing to do alone for mind-clearing or with a friend. If you don't have a bike, borrow one

• Take a FREE On-Line course - There are many available. It's never too late to learn 

• Write letters - Yes, it will cost you paper, ink and a stamp, but that's it. This allows you to express yourself and communicate with family and friends in a "unique" way. Writing a letter lets out your creativity. You will feel good sending a letter. You will feel great receiving one back

• Go Fishing - Find a lake, river or stream, borrow a pole if you don't have one, dig up a worm or roll a dough ball and chill. Alone or with a pal. it's FREE therapy

• Clean up/Organize - No better satisfaction! 

• Teach Yourself Something - Learn to juggle, learn to change your car's oil, learn to knit, learn photography, learn to blog, learn yoga, learn to build a website, etc. Most, if not all, can be self taught using tools/items you already have

• Lastly... Plant a Garden - Yes, this is a food blog, so food must be a part of the 2019 Frugal plan. You will save a tremendous amount of money by planing a garden, planting some seeds and then tending the garden (another great FREE activity). Then, cook the food instead of going out and spending way too much in restaurants (eat-in or take-out)

There are many, many more ideas to add to this list, but this is a good start

We spend way too much money eating out and traveling and on technology and paying to go to shows and events. We have the ability to do so much for FREE. There is gold in our own backyard. Literally and figuratively. Stay home or nearby. Enjoy what your city and state has to offer. Visit family and friends. Spend less. Save more. Don't covet what you don't have. The grass is never greener. I recently wrote a song entitled "I Miss the Bliss." It speaks to the bliss we once had with a simpler life. Frugal is in. Make 2019 the best year ever by enjoying and appreciating what you have. TEM

Sunday, March 4, 2018

The Most Important Meal Of The Day? Every Darn One Of Them

It's the reason we wake in the morning. The reason to smile. The reason to breathe. The greatest meal of the day...and they are all great. Breakfast. Your first meal. The meal that starts you off. That gets you going. The meal that gives you the most for the money. The meal we can all make at home fairly effortlessly. And make well. The order that most restaurants can't mess up. The least expensive meal of the day. The most for the money. For breakfast, I like creativity. Mix and match. Make an omelet with multiple cheeses. An omelet with cottage cheese. Eggs over medium with melted cheese on top. Eggs with a grilled cheese sandwich. Home fries loaded with grilled veggies. So many variations to choose from. We are blessed with great breakfast options. The best place for breakfast is home sweet home. If you want to venture out, here are a few options (not bagel shops...that was  a previous post with Greenfield's winning hands down and not fast food. Chick Fil A wins hands down):

GREAT - Stax Epicurean, Cracker Barrel, Biscuit Head, Eggs Up Grill, Sully's Steamers, Famous Toastery

QUESTIONABLE - La Peep, Another Broken Egg, Dennys, IHop, Stax Omega, Mary Beth's (Note: some of these are listed in this category because of their pricing vs quantity. Some because of pricing vs quality. Some are just not great)

SPECIAL - Waffle House (in a category by itself, also listed in my best DEALS post)

SPECIAL OCCASION - Spoonbread in the Westin Poinsett Hotel (treat yourself) 

Some of the above are overpriced for what you get. The ones in GREAT give you good value

Make it a great a good breakfast! TEM

Monday, February 19, 2018

                    Setting the Bar on Bars

Though not a lover of the spirits, I do love a good bar. Why not? A seat at the bar is a happy place. Always friendly. Always fun. Easy to meet new people. It's like hanging out in your own place, "where everyone knows your name." Usually great TVs full of sports. And, 9 out 10 times, no wait for a spot to eat. I find the service for food to be better than at a table. Faster and more attentive. So, what about the Greenville bar scene? I must admit, I have not sat at every bar in Greenville, but I have probably seen 95% of all of them. And, I have 'studied' them. Here are my top five:

1) Rick Erwin's Steak House - Downtown with a big town feel. Dark lighting. Dark wood. A professional barkeep dressed accordingly. Frank Sinatra crooning away. It is the closest thing we have to being in a long-standing NYC bar. A great, great experience 

2) Addy's - Downtown. A throw back. Remember the bar in It's a Wonderful Life? Not when George goes back with Clarence... Nicks. The one before that... Martinis. The really good one. That's Addy's. It's a classic. A must sit experience

3) Up on the Roof - Downtown. Overlooking the Greenville skyline on the roof of the Embassy Suites. A great atmosphere and a fantastic view

4) Zorbas(the original) - Rustic. No, old. Same everything since it opened in the 70's. Maybe 60's. Maybe 50's. So, so classic. Beyond retro. A one of a kind experience. Go before you can't. Don't miss it

5) Local Cue - The new hottest spot in town. Fun. Fun. Fun. Millennials galore. And, they card everyone. Even, 80 year olds on a walker. How great is that?

There are many great bars in Greenville - other high-end greats are Natucket and Hall's. More informal, fun bars are Biminis, Shuckin' Shack,  Bar Louie and BGs 

Notice I have not even talked about the drinks. No need. They all pour a good drink... or so I'm told. Drink up!


Friday, January 19, 2018

As a follow-up to It's Italian!...

Why is Italian so good? Top 5 ...

There’s No One ‘Italian Cuisine’
Every region, every town, every household in Italy has its own distinctive style of cuisine. In Tuscany, you’ll encounter simple and rustic peasant fare. Emilia-Romagna is famous for its hard cheeses and stuffed pastas. In northern Italy you’ll encounter rice, polenta, and butter; in southern Italy you’ll never see butter, only olive oil. Some regions are seafood-centric, some use tomatoes more than others.  There’s a whole world of food on the boot, which means that there’s something for everybody.

Fresh,Simple Ingredients
While Italian food is incredibly diverse, there are a few characteristics that tie it all together, including an emphasis on fresh, local ingredients, and letting them speak for themselves without too much fuss. This is clearly a respectable priority, one Americans have come to appreciate more and more over the years.

Italian has become American
You’ll never find 
spaghetti and meatballs in Italy. There’s spaghetti marinara, and then there’s meatballs (or polpette), which are completely different dishes, usually eaten as completely separate courses (pastas are served before meat). Italian restaurateurs in the early 1900s noticed that Americans tend to eat meat with everything, so they combined the two. While some Italian-American dishes are similar to what you’ll find in Italy, for the most part your standard red-sauce fare is a completely American invention.

Pizza, Pizza. Pizza
The most famous Italian import of all 
is pizza, which happens to be one of the most delicious foods on Earth. While you won’t find anything quite like your standard New York slice in Italy, the flavor profile is the same, so if you like pizza, you like Italian food.

It's easy
nearly every culture has noodles of some sort, no Western culture incorporates it into their cuisine quite as much as the Italians. Pasta is incredibly easy to cook, and a quick sauce is incredibly easy to throw together. And the end result is generally impressive.

Pasta, tomato sauce, Parmigiano-Reggiano, mozzarella, basil, parsley, shallots, garlic, olive oil… Traditional Italian ingredients have become traditional American ingredients as well, and they’re available at just about every supermarket. 



Wednesday, January 17, 2018

                              IT'S ITALIAN!

Italian. Arguably, the most universally loved food. Pizza. Pasta. Sauces. Lasagna. Ossobuco. Calzones. Tiramisu. Gelato. Food brimming with flavor and full of comfort. Only Asian might give it a run. Certainly, American, Mexican and Greek are noteworthy as well. But all are second fiddle to Italian. In last place...Irish / English food...unless you like boiled meat. So, where to go for Italian food in Greenville? (note: I have not been to EVERY Italian restaurant around these parts. Just most). The listings below are for Italian restaurants. Not pizza places (see a previous blog for my pizza rankings), though the ones below all have good pizza as well. Here you go:

1. Bocca - In my opinion, the best we have. Great atmosphere. Great sauces. Large portions. Fair prices. Great Pasta and Eggplant Parm. It feels like an old Italian restaurant somewhere on Long Island or in Jersey

2. Sciortinos - Great food. Great prices. Great atmosphere. Nice people. A close second to Bocca

3. Trio - Still one of my favorites. Great food and the best downtown location. Reasonably priced

4. Portofinos - The best limitless salad and rolls around. Great Italian dressing. Large quantities for the money. Nice atmosphere

5. Jianna - New to the scene, but getting rave reviews. Very "big city"feel.  Great homemade pasta and their Ossobuco was excellent

A few others...Ristorante Bergamo and Trattoria Giorgio, the two high end Italian restaurants downtown, have the most impressive atmospheres, but I believe lack the quality needed to match their prices. Giovannis is excellent but pricey and the management is not too friendly. Limoncello is new and the jury is still out, though I don't hold much hope since it is a Larkin's concept

A shout out to one chain. Carabbas is the best of the chain bunch, but all above are still a ravioli ahead