
Friday, July 15, 2011

My Kinda House

The year was 1955. Two major world changing phenomena occured. The world was graced with the birth of The Eating Man and Waffle House opened their doors. Both similar in so many ways. Since then WH has served 1,173,838,328 hashbrown orders, 1,527,602,959 eggs and 1,108,574,633 orders of grits. The similarity? I've eaten most of that. Most impressive is that they serve 368 strips of bacon every minute 24/7/365. Now you see why I'm so busy. WH never closes. They serve every minute of every day. The Eating Man never closes. I eat every minute of every day. WH has many signature items ala waffles and hashbrowns and their great coffee. It is good. Why? I am going to guess volumn. Everything is always fresh because of the volumn. Another similarity with TEM. I Like volumn and consume as such. Many of you don't know I'm a germaphobe. Yes, I like cleanliness. At WH that has to be put aside for the sake of deliciousness. The WH way is bare hands...for everything. If you can't get over that, try another place. It is what it is. A couple of inside tips. Google Waffle House Coupons and get some freebees. I rarely don't have a coupon when I dine there. Usually a free waffle or free hashbrown or free coffee. Also check out their dollar menu. I get the egg and cheese biscuit. It's $1. I have them make my egg over medium and melt the cheese. Also, I have them "well" grill my biscuit both sides with butter using the paddles. It's a complete breakfast for $1. Add to that my free coffee (usually) and my day starts off right...for $1. Now, I of course leave a nice tip if my waitress has a good attitude. That's an interesting thing at WH. Those waitreses are real. Very real. They can be sweet. They can be funny. They can bite your head off. Somehow, in their training they are told to just "be yourself". And, they are. It makes for great theatre. As does the cooking. It's my favorite part of WH. Sitting at the counter on a stool watching the magic happen. It's really unbelieveable. No written orders, just a lot of yelling in a special language... a code. And many orders at the same time by multiple waitresses with wide ranging attitudes. "Pull one, Mark. Over E. Scattered, smothered, chunked, capped, covered".  Somehow the cooks keep it all straight. The requirement must be that they be MIT grads. I'm not smart enaough to be a WH cook. I just be a UT grad. TEM


  1. have to agree with about everything you said there Eating Man!

  2. It's about time someone wrote about this great Southern "institution!" WH has a REAL breakfast like we ate in the 60's and 70' silly bagels, lattes, boutique coffees, etc. at the Waffle House! I have to take exception to The Eating Man's commments about the cleanliness, however. At least you can SEE their're sitting in it! And it looks pretty clean to me.
    There are only two things that keep me away from the WH: the juke box and the smoking. I don't want to listen to Waylon Jennings (loud) and breathe in the Marlboros while I'm eating my "Two Scrambled...HB, Scattered and Covered, Coffee, OJ" at 8 o'clock in the a.m.
